Pirate101: AMD Ships Ahoy!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 0 comments
Hello, my Pirate fellows! It be Ion here with some news that will sure make ye' want to walk the plank! 

TUL Promotional Ship

Cheesy Pirate talk aside, Pirate101 has announced some more promotional ships offered over at AMD Graphics, who provide a wide selection of Graphics Cards to ramp up your computers performance and give you that crystal clear quality ever gamer dreams to have on their computer.

AMD offers a wide variety of name brand Graphics Cards, such as Visiontek, Club 3D, Sapphire, and more! With a purchase of selected Graphics Cards, you will be given a special promotional ship, plus 5000 to go with it! These ships come in several tiers, and all include their own sails, figureheads, rutters, and armor.

Sapphire Promotional Ship

These ships all look fantastic, and the 5000 Crowns bonus isn't too shabby either. Although the stats on these ships are identical, the wide variety of design on these ships might curve your decision to one Graphics Card to another.

Diamond Promotional Ship

If you are looking to buy a shiny new Graphics Card for your computer, make sure you head on over to the AMD Ship page on Pirate101's Website to take a look at these promotional offers! Just take a click on this link right here:

Club 3D Promotional Ship

If you are under 18, make sure you ask a parent before buying any of these Graphics Card, because they do require a hefty load of cash and a good amount of personal information to buy them. Also, if you do plan on buying these Graphics Card, make sure you have a computer technician or somebody knowledgeable installing the Graphics Card, because it does require you to take apart your computer.

Visiontek Promotional Ship

Like always folks, have a great day and stay safe!


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