Wizard101: Khrysalis Part 1

Friday, November 1, 2013 0 comments
Hello, people of the Spiral! Let me introduce you to the newest world included in our Spiral map, Khrysalis! This world is said to be the culmination of the Morganthe Story Arc and has promised to shake the up the spiral, but will this final world truly send chills down our spines with excitement?
As anticipated, Kingsisle has finally released the 5th and final world of the Morganthe Story Arc into the test realm. Khrysalis, a broken and war torn world that has been made a home for Morganthe army, has made it's way into the path of our Wizards adventure, as we go undercover to discover and destroy Morganthe's plot to conquer the spiral. Khrysalis has been split into 2 parts, with the second part being released early 2014. Some might think such a decision would leave the Wizard cliffhanging in the midst of such a great ending, but those who have played through this first part would agree that it was the right choice. 

The first part of this world has been price at three payments of 1,999 Crowns, summing up to around a good 6,000 Crowns if you want to explore the first part of this "pesty" world. As predicted, this world is bug themed (HAHA TOLD YOU SO!!!) and it's inhabitants include the Burrowers, a group of the remaining Squirrels and Rodents that have survived Morganthe's takeover of the world, The Bee's, who have been conquered by Morganthe, and of course, Morganthe's army, full of Goliath's, Bugs, Mantis', Bugs, A Gorilla (I'm not even lying), and more Bugs...

There were also new mechanics brought to the game, such as companions (For lack of a better term) who "Join" you in battle. These aren't like your minions, because instead of battling by your side, they aid you in extra stat boosts, such as Damage, Resist...that's about it. 
*Quick Spoiler: This is the Spiral Door*

Like every new world update that comes this way in the spiral, we also have a bunch of other game changing updates. Firstly, we have a new school of magic; Shadow Magic! It's been said that Bartleby advised Merle not to teach this type of magic due to it's sheer power and danger that it may cause, but who cares!?!?! We're learning it anyways, because what happens in Khrysalis stays in our decks for good! Shadow Magic is a very complex and confusing type of magic, but it has been all well explained in this wonderful guide created by the Mercs of Mercenaries101 that will help you understand Shadow Magic so that you can take advantage of the power it contains.

Link to the Guide:
There is also a new gardening update for those who have green thumbs and are ready to unleash a new level of gardening! But seriously, there is a new level of gardening called "Verdant Gardener"! With the update, there are also new spells to further help your garden grow the way you want them to! Once you have access to the "Last Wood" (Approx. the 3rd Area in Khrysalis), you can speak to Barley, the Khrysalis garden trainer, and complete a quest so that you can unlock his gardening goodies! Don't forget to look for some new seeds to use these spells on, I hear one will have you "Face Palming" *Har Har Har*
Don't think I'm finished yet! New Tournaments have also been released to the Spiral for all of the duelists to compete in, but with a twist! These new Tournaments include a list of restriction based duels that will surely test even the most keen of duelists. Old School tournaments involve the restrictions of Pets, Treasure Cards, and Mastery Amulets, while School Perk tournaments use school based handicaps to boost the stats of a certain school, making other schools work even harder to win the top spot on the bracket. There is also a Lightning Round tournament that has an offensive stat increases for both teams every round, making it easier and easier to beat your opponent, but also making it harder and harder to survive. Like any tournament, they will be priced at 499 crowns per tournament for members and 849 crowns per tourney for non-members. Good luck in the dueling ring.
Since this post is getting a bit length,we will go over one more update, and that will be Castle Touring! The ever so marvelous Myrella WindSpar has set up shop in the commons and it ready to show of the best creativity the wizards of the Spiral have to offer. You can now have your house up for display for other wizards to take a look at. You can finally have people take a minute to appreciate all the hard work you put in to build your house without having to beg your friends to come over! You can also RATE houses to reflect your opinion on how much you loved (or hated) the house you visited! There is also a "Leaderboard" for the most top rated houses. Housing has now evolved into a revolutionary way of displaying your form of creativity through decoration. Oh, and there is also a Send All Away button. Yay for housing updates!
WHEW!! I'm tired...That sums up MOST of the updates brought into the spiral this past week. If you'd like to see the FULL list of updates, take a look at the Test Realm Update Notes posted at the Wizard101 Website, or just click on this link:

I'm sure most of us could agree that Kingsisle did a magnificent job with this update, and I hope to see much more from Kingsisle in the future.

Until next time,


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